Ben is very smart, rational, athletic and can empathize well to the people he sought, this attitude can be useful in the case when he must predict the moves of the criminal, he's kind of a womanizer similar to André, showing off and being impressive. Although, being very messy, he is a good policeman. Ben is a very lively and likeable young man, he likes and listens to rock music, particularly bands like ''Nickelback'' and rides a high-power motorcycle. In the same episode his sister, Juliana, appeared. He even tried to bribe Ben, to make it fail the exam. It has a rival relationship with his father Konrad Jäger, as it is clear from the episode "Family affairs", Konrad's son would have liked to take the reigns of his thriving business, but he had preferred to join the police. In fact, in many episodes, his colleague blames him and also gets around, for example: in the episode ''Bodyguard'', Semir, when addressed, saying "I will not be raised with a lot of money like you", alluding to his turkish ancestry. He tries to hide his origin, which would be shameful if it was revealed. He comes from a rich family of important business in the very first episode.

Senior inspector Benjamin ''Ben'' Jäger, played by Tom Helmut Beck, the sixth colleague of Semir Gerkhan, arrives in the pilot episode of the 14th season "On your own", after he had been transferred for some misconduct made by his fellow colleagues.