(⌘+Y also works for single files, but in that case it’s less convenient.) Once that window is open, you can navigate between the files with the arrow keys in the upper left. You can also select multiple files to preview at once by holding down the Command key as you select them and then pressing ⌘+Y. (This also works with files on the desktop.) A full-page preview will pop up-and with Markup options, too. This works for everything from images and PDFs to Microsoft Excel files. You can also read our review for the latest MacBook Pro and our comparisons between the original M1 MacBook Pro and the newest.Click+Space Bar: If you want to see what a file looks like but you don’t want to waste time opening the associated app, select the file in a Finder folder and then press the space bar.

This will select those files and everything in between them.įor more tips on the Mac, check out our tips and tricks guide. If you are looking to select multiple files arranged top to bottom, you can easily grab the ones you want by clicking the first, then holding Shift and clicking the last one. This is great for quickly moving things around or deleting items en masse. This will select everything in that section, whether it’s two files or two hundred. If you’re looking to quickly grab all the files on your desktop or in finder, the best way is just to hit Cmd + A.

Just pull it over the files you want, and they will automatically be selected.įrom here, you can click on the group and then drag and drop it into a different folder or mass-delete them. This will create a box that you can resize as you drag. If you’re looking to grab a big group of files rather quickly, you can always click on an empty space and drag. They’ll be highlighted in blue, so you can easily see which ones you’ve selected. As long as you have the Command button held down, you can select as many files as you want. To select various files, the easiest way is to hold Cmd and click on the files you want. This is the best option if you’re looking to select a variety of files in a folder but you don’t necessarily want all of them. If you need to move some stuff around on your computer, here’s how to select multiple files on Mac, with four different options based on what you’re trying to do.